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Sophos Web Filtering Appliance

Hi all,

I have recently implemented a Sophos Virtual Web Filter appliance and I have  few questions:

In the reporting, 'Top Users By Browse Time' is showing 18+hours browsing per day for some users, is there any way to make this more accurate as this is obviously not correct?

Report Exemptions allow me to exempt a category or an individual url from being included in a report, is there anyway to exempt ALL url’’’’s ending with the same domain e.g all of our servers are xxxxxxx.DOMAIN.LOCAL?

Also in report Exemptions I need to exclude the whole of our internal IP range, does anyone know how you would do this as it only seems to let me add 1 x IP address at a time.

I did ask these questions to Sophos Support but wanted to see if anyone here had any suggestions on any of these.

Thanks in advance.


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