WAF protection templates for common Microsoft services


i've installed this beta on a virtual machine to have a look on these WAF templates.

The firewall profiles "Exchange Outlook Anywhere", "Exchange General" and "Exchange AutoDiscover". Are these recommended for MS Exchange 2016, or only 2010/2013.
Don't you need any exceptions?

At the moment Exchange 2016 with mor than one realserver isn't working -.-


I think templates for Sharepoint and Office Online also be good.



Parents Reply
  • AttilaKovacs said:
    Regarding issue issue with multiple Exchange servers: I understand that you cannot use the approach with the sticky session cookies

    I set the sicky sesstion, but this din't work

    AttilaKovacs said:
    but what is the reason behind not trying to solve the issue with reverse authentication? I believe that could be a potential solution for your problem.

    We don't want to use the reverse authentication, we want to use the "normal" authentication of clients. The users should not notice that there is a utm etc.

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