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802.1p CoS

Is it possible to do 802.1p CoS with the latest UTM 9 (home edition)?  Have had Google Fiber now for about a month, and it's working pretty well.  Previously, had the UTM sitting behind a U-verse router in bridge mode, but the Google Fiber Network Box doesn't have a bridge mode.  According to Google, it is possible to use Google Fiber without the Network Box,  and they give you a few tips, but you're on your own.

Configuration guidelines for the interface connected to the Fiber Jack:

1)  DHCPv4: You receive the WAN IPv4 address via DHCP. This address will not change. The static IP allocations are tied to your account and physical address. They will remain the same unless you modify your service or move locations.   --no problem here.

2)  DHCPv6 (optional): Google Fiber supports IPv6. We encourage you to enable DHCPv6 on this interface.  --not really a need at this point, but would like to get there one of these days.

3)  VLAN 2: All upstream traffic must be tagged with VLAN 2.  --I already have VLANs on internal network, so will have to do a little re-configuring to free up VLAN 2 to use on the WAN connection.

4)  802.1p: All upstream traffic must be marked with p-bit 2. This is also known as Class of Service (CoS) marking.  --I can't find anywhere in the UTM to set this.

The last one appears to be a showstopper, unless I'm just missing it somewhere.  Any suggestions?


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  • This is an incredibly old thread, but I'd like to know the same. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    • FYI, I think this might allow setting the p-bit:

      I'm trying to read up on the traffic selector to see exactly what it can do, and I have to make sure that the thing I've ALWAYS heard referenced to as p-bits are actually the same as DSCP-bits. But I should be able to set this up fairly easily and test it in the near future.

      • That Traffic Selector only works in QoS.  There is no way to set a p-bit or other on the UTM.

        Haven't tried Google fiber anywhere yet.

        Cheers - Bob

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