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GRINDR app on Sophos UTM9

Can anyone tell me how to create a firewall rule on Sophos UTM9 to allow the Grindr app to work properly through the firewall?

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  • Vivek, Thank you so much for your response. I added the exception but I am still having the same problem as before. In the chat it says "Connecting" with a spinning circle and the message does not send. Something is still being blocked. If I turn off WIFI and use data the status "connecting" goes away and the message sends.

  • Vivek, Thank you so much for your response. I added the exception but I am still having the same problem as before. In the chat it says "Connecting" with a spinning circle and the message does not send. Something is still being blocked. If I turn off WIFI and use data the status "connecting" goes away and the message sends.
