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UTM IPv6 behaviour

Hi folks,

this is my first post in the UTM forum for many years since I moved to using the XG.

My issue is I am trying to move to a new ISP/RSP for improved upload performance and the new ISP/RSP uses IPV6 PD for address allocation. The XG in its current from does not support PD.

A suggestion was made to use a UTM in front of the XG to manage the IPv6 component of the WAN address. So having used the UTM for many years with various versions of IPv6 connectivity that sounded like a good idea.

I built a UTM using my old mini XG ( quad core 2 ghz and 8gb of ram) so far so good. I connected it to my XG for configuration and some testing before connecting to my existing ISP/RSP which  uses DHCP PD (according to those in the know) to provide IPv6 addressing which seems strange to me because the XG picks up a /64 address on the WAN interface.

The strange issue is that the UTM only picks up a /128 and does not renew the address even after restarting both the UTM and the NBN modem. It keeps the /128 address it is assigned when connected to the XG.

What has changed and what have I missed in configuring the IPv6 functions on the UTM?


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  • Cable modems tend to keep leases for a long time (even if switched off for 24hrs or longer). One option would be to change the mac, the other is mostly the provisioning interface of the ISP which can be used to assign new addresses. Also request of subnets (switch from "basic IPv6" to "extended IPv6" is done there.

    Note that you have to provide the routing on your own (since IPv6 has no NAT) all of the /56 is routed through the external single IPv6 address.

  • Hi Alan,

    thank you of rthe suggestion, but if that were the case then I would get the same address when I reconnect the XG and i don't.

    My previous experience with the UTM and IPv6 says that the it should be requesting a /56 from the ISP/RSP and then posting that on the IPv6 management display, it is only receiving a /128 and posting that on the IPv6 management disply.

    I think I need to investigate some logs to determine what is being returned from the ISP/RSP and what request is being sent. I can see the IPv6 DHCP ports being logged.


    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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  • Hi Alan,

    thank you of rthe suggestion, but if that were the case then I would get the same address when I reconnect the XG and i don't.

    My previous experience with the UTM and IPv6 says that the it should be requesting a /56 from the ISP/RSP and then posting that on the IPv6 management display, it is only receiving a /128 and posting that on the IPv6 management disply.

    I think I need to investigate some logs to determine what is being returned from the ISP/RSP and what request is being sent. I can see the IPv6 DHCP ports being logged.


    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

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