Hi all,
I'm new on Sophos UTM and one internal department needs FTP access to a URL on the internet. It works fine if the laptop is out of the network and but it doesn't when it's behind the UTM.
I read some posts of people having the same problem. Here is what I've done so far.
- I have a rule allowing everything from the laptop I'm testing it from
- I enabled FTP proxy and tried in Transparent, Non-transparent and Both modes, and I allowed the internal network
- The Web Filtering is set in Transparent Mode
Would you guys know what I'm missing here.
First, make sure that FTP is enabled under Network Protection > Firewall > Advanced > Connection Tracking Helpers. And are you sure this is FTP, not SFTP or FTPS?
In our environment we have very few users that need access to FTP, so I haven not used the FTP proxy. Web filtering is in standard mode and firewall rules are used to allow FTP from specific host/networks to specific endpoints. I found it more trouble to configure various ftp clients to use the ftp proxy than it was to create a few rules for the limited use.
HI Tim,
Thanks for your reply, I forgot to mention that FTP is enabled under Network Protection.
I wasn't sure if was FTP or SFTP and it's SFTP.