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Sophos disables eth0

I installed Sophos UTM 9.5 Home on a PC. During setup I set eth1 as LAN. After the installation finished I browsed to the web interface and found out that for some reason eth0 which is connected to WAN was down.


For some reason Sophos disabled eth0. To confirm this I simply unplugged the ethernet cable from eth0, and plugged it on my ubiquity router and it had activity. Plugged it back to the PC on eth0, and it was dead.


So I formatted the PC again and tried the 32bit version of Sophos UTM and had the same result. So this time I formatted the PC again and installed pfsense. Both LAN & WAN was just fine. 


So this is definitely an issue with Sophos.


Anyone faced this issue before? Any workarounds? 


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  • What chipset is the eth0 NIC?

    When you reinstalled I would have recommend that you swap the NIC assignments to see if the problem NIC is non functioning when it became eth1.


  • UTM interfaces are virtual objects that are bound to a Linux interface.  Here are some things to check.

    • Ensure that you have two UTM interfaces, bound to different Linux interfaces, and enabled (slider switch in the on position.)   
    • If you do not have two UTM interfaces, you need to create one and connect it to the unused Linux interface.   
    • If one UTM interface is bound to two Linux interfaces, you have a bridge configuration instead of two interfaces.  Undoing this problem will require adding additional Linux interfaces or rebuilding.  
    • If a UTM interface is bound to an inappropriate Linux interface (e.g. NUL), you will need to delete and recreate it.

    I have been confused by the web interface for initial system build.   Basically, it asks for the interface parameters for each of four interfaces, but it appears to the untrained eye like it is simply asking you for the same information because you made a data entry error.   Also, it asks for network information on four interfaces even if you do not have four interfaces.  The shell interface is much easier for this step.  If you were confused by this point, you may have the same IP configuration on both of your UTM interfaces, and the solution is to fix one of them.   

    Also check that "default gateway" is checked on one of the interfaces, but it sounds like you have not gotten to the point that this would matter yet.

  • To fix the issue I had to go into the network interfaces settings and add the WAN interface, and then enable it. Which doesn't make sense because I was already asked this question during initial setup on the web interface and I specifically defined eth0.

    Later I found out that none of the initial wizard settings were configured. I had to add a DHCP server again, even though I did define it in the initial wizard. It's as if it doesn't matter what you configure during the initial wizard, you'll have to configure everything again once the wizard is done.

  • You cant configure WAN during setup. Wan is configured during Wizard, but you didnt wait 5 minutes and the wizard was not finished.

  • When I said "I was already asked this question during initial setup on the web interface" I meant the wizard.

    The wizard is finished on the last step. When do I have to wait 5 minutes?

  • The webadmin page reloads when the setup is complete. Maybe it is not your fault but something with Hardware. RAM/Hdd in specific

  • Geiasou Aristos and welcome to the UTM Community!

    You didn't mention what NICs you have - read through #7 in Rulz to get an idea of which are known to be troublesome for the UTM.  You might look at the newer posts in *Unofficial* Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) for an idea of what hardware others have chosen.

    In any case, you should use the 64-bit version.

    The "culture" here is to use eth0 for the LAN and eth1 for the WAN.  The UTM assigns eth# based on the alphabetic name of the NIC.  If you have only two NICs you can change the assignment at the command line.  As root

    # edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

    Save the file and restart the UTM so that the new order is loaded.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA