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Sophos ap55 with ISP router

Hello everyone,
i need some help to troubleshot my problem.

I have a virtual machine with Sophos FW home installed. i wanted to use some AP55 leftover i have at home and configure a couple of wireless networks with some VLANs.
The problem i'm facing is that sophos doesnt recognize the AP in anyway...

This is my network setup:

DHCP is controlled by the ISP router, the ap is seen from the router and it gets an IP, but for some reason the sophos VM cannot see it so i cant pair it.
I followed the guideline on the sophos website but this changed nothing..
Is there anyway to do it?

Thanks for help

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Parents Reply
  • That is boostrap-protocol, udp 68 is the client searching for a server (udp 67 is the server reply).

    Mit freundlichem Gruß, best regards from Germany,

    Philipp Rusch

    New Vision GmbH, Germany
    Sophos Silver-Partner

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