Poor Performance

I've been testing the DNS, but had to revert back to alternative, ping resolution to items like google.com and outlook.office365.com were resolving to servers that were 200+ms where other DNS servers resolved to different IP's that were 20-30ms.

I assume this could be to do with my location? just seems odd it caused massive issues with non-cached outlook that we use for terminal servers.

Looking forward to using the product but until items like this are resolved we can't use it.


  • The initial post states:  Introducing Sophos DNS Protection  

    *Please note that the initial points of presence for the EAP service are in North America, Europe, and India. Participants in other geographies may not experience the best query latency. Please monitor your network experience if you are outside these regions. We will expand coverage for additional areas in the future.

    Where are you located? 


    • Hi Lucar Toni, Yes i did see the notes and that was my reference to location in the post. I'm located in Australia.

      Looking forward to seeing it rolled out here.
