Policy test should available


1- Is there any plan for to do testing for Policy in DNS Protection?
2- Are DNS requests are protected?
3- is there future plan to introduce any client or agents for Systems and mobile devices for protections?
4- Is there any plan to add clouds apps also in D?NS protection?
5- When we can see more reports under DNS protection like usage, Blocking, Cloud Apps, Category and client information, and Many More?
6- Many More...


Amit Kumar Sharma 

Edited TAGs
[edited by: emmosophos at 5:55 PM (GMT -8) on 28 Nov 2023]
  • Hi Amit

    You'll see some reporting functionality added in a refresh release in mid-December. You can also explore the DNS traffic records via the 'Live Discover' feature in the Threat Analysis Center in Central - I'll be posting some example queries in the Community soon.

    We have a lot of plans and ideas about where to go with this product after the initial release.

    DNS Protection is going to become part of a broader set of cloud-based network security services and as part of this we'll be addressing a number of your points:

    - Agent integration to support roaming devices and user-based policy

    - Policy enhancements to allow user-based policies and a policy tester to help create and manage those policies

    Thanks again for your feedback


  • Hi Amit

    You'll see some reporting functionality added in a refresh release in mid-December. You can also explore the DNS traffic records via the 'Live Discover' feature in the Threat Analysis Center in Central - I'll be posting some example queries in the Community soon.

    We have a lot of plans and ideas about where to go with this product after the initial release.

    DNS Protection is going to become part of a broader set of cloud-based network security services and as part of this we'll be addressing a number of your points:

    - Agent integration to support roaming devices and user-based policy

    - Policy enhancements to allow user-based policies and a policy tester to help create and manage those policies

    Thanks again for your feedback


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