Is it possible to create firewall objects (host, host groups, services, etc.) via the Cental API?
That would be a great use case for us. We operate a network with approx. 80 locations, and the trend is rising. I have automated the entire firewall deployment via PowerShell scripts. However, I need objects from Sophos Central for my firewall rules. Unfortunately, I have to create the objects in Sophos Central manually in advance. I would also like to automate this.
Hi Ben, it's not possible yet, but we are planning to expose firewall apis directuly through central sometime later next year. In the meantime, the alternative is to use the local API on each firewall. If you don't have direct acces to remote firewalls, you can use Central Orchestration to setup access between a server wher your API access sscripts will run and your remote firewalls.
Aside from host objects, what other items are you considering configuration via APIs?
Hi Alan,
thanks for your reply.
I need all objects to create the firewall rules, like hosts, host groups, fqdn hosts, fqdn host groups, services and Service groups.
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