Hi everyone,
I have been using the firewall in bridge mode and love its features. I want to confirm and query some behaviour I have observed.
A- There is a considerable amount of time for internet access to be available if it crashed or abruptly rebooted. If the device is rebooted or accidentally crashes, internet access is blocked, and it is restored after an hour. For some odd reason, if I go to the device CLI and enable and disable appliance access, the internet is restored immediately. Is there something I am doing or not doing?
B- It seems when you use a wild card to mark an FQDN to be blocked, for example, *.teamviewer.com, it seems to only block it if the FQDN is part of a URL group, I am not quite clear if there is a specific hierarchy to block or allow specific domains or application signatures.
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[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 8:58 AM (GMT -7) on 13 Mar 2025]