I have my certificates in a folder and I'm looking for a script that will update them when there is a change so that waf will continue working without manual intervention.
I have very little experience scripting, I can read and understand more or less. But anyone has something like this working? with the help of AI I have manage to get this but it need some fixes to make it work.
Anyone can help?
#!/bin/bash # Define variables CERT_FOLDER="/path/to/your/certificate/folder" SOPHOS_API_URL="https://your-sophos-firewall.com:4444/webconsole/APIController" SOPHOS_USERNAME="your-username" SOPHOS_PASSWORD="your-password" CERT_NAME="subzerocloud" NEW_CERT_NAME="new_subzerocloud_certificate" # Function to authenticate and get the API token get_api_token() { local LOGIN_DATA=$(jq -n \ --arg username "$SOPHOS_USERNAME" \ --arg password "$SOPHOS_PASSWORD" \ '{"username": $username, "password": $password}') local RESPONSE=$(curl -s -k -X POST "$SOPHOS_API_URL/login" -d "$LOGIN_DATA") echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.data.token' } # Function to read certificate files read_certificate_files() { PEM_CONTENT=$(cat "$CERT_FOLDER/certificate.pem" | base64 -w 0) KEY_CONTENT=$(cat "$CERT_FOLDER/private.key" | base64 -w 0) } # Function to check if the certificate exists check_certificate_exists() { local TOKEN=$1 local RESPONSE=$(curl -s -k -X GET "$SOPHOS_API_URL/get/certificate/certificate" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN") echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -e ".data[] | select(.name == \"$CERT_NAME\")" > /dev/null } # Function to create a new certificate create_new_certificate() { local TOKEN=$1 local JSON_PAYLOAD=$(jq -n \ --arg name "$NEW_CERT_NAME" \ --arg cert "$PEM_CONTENT" \ --arg key "$KEY_CONTENT" \ '{"name": $name, "certificate": $cert, "privateKey": $key, "type": "certificate"}') local RESPONSE=$(curl -s -k -X POST "$SOPHOS_API_URL/set/certificate/certificate" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "$JSON_PAYLOAD") echo "Response from POST /set/certificate/certificate: $RESPONSE" if [[ $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.status.code') == "200" ]]; then echo "New certificate created successfully: $NEW_CERT_NAME" else echo "Error creating new certificate: $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.status.message')" exit 1 fi } # Function to update an existing certificate update_sophos_certificate() { local TOKEN=$1 local JSON_PAYLOAD=$(jq -n \ --arg name "$CERT_NAME" \ --arg cert "$PEM_CONTENT" \ --arg key "$KEY_CONTENT" \ '{"name": $name, "certificate": $cert, "privateKey": $key, "type": "certificate"}') local RESPONSE=$(curl -s -k -X PUT "$SOPHOS_API_URL/set/certificate/certificate" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "$JSON_PAYLOAD") echo "Response from PUT /set/certificate/certificate: $RESPONSE" if [[ $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.status.code') == "200" ]]; then echo "Certificate updated successfully" else echo "Error updating certificate: $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.status.message')" exit 1 fi } # Main function main() { echo "Starting certificate update/creation process..." # Authenticate and get the API token API_TOKEN=$(get_api_token) if [ -z "$API_TOKEN" ]; then echo "Authentication failed. Please check your credentials." exit 1 fi # Read the contents of the certificate files read_certificate_files # Check if the certificate already exists if check_certificate_exists "$API_TOKEN"; then echo "Certificate $CERT_NAME exists. Updating..." update_sophos_certificate "$API_TOKEN" else echo "Certificate $CERT_NAME does not exist. Creating a new one..." create_new_certificate "$API_TOKEN" fi echo "Process completed." } # Execute the main function main
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[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 10:41 AM (GMT -8) on 15 Nov 2024]