Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.
Will any admin who is not connecting the physical MGMT Port (there are a lot of reasons for), see this warning every time for the rest of his life?
At least provide a "yes, I do NOT use the physical MGMT Port, it is all OK" button please...
Hello Quallensaft ,
You no need to worry about the Symbol color , basically if the Speed of the interface is set to 1000mbps then it would show Amber otherwise Green. This is a Behavior and can easily ignore the color code. Besides if you are facing any troubles with the interface speed then please let us know !
Thanks & Regards,
Vivek Jagad | Team Lead, Technical Support, Global Customer Experience
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Yes, but the color indicates that there is "a problem". Would look better if everything is green and "OK" because everything (is) OK ;-)
I'd also say the icon is orange/amber due to one enabled interface that is not connected - e.g. the LAN Mgmt Port
Yes, and many admin don‘t want use a dedicated physical Mgmt Port.