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Sophos XGS (19.0.1 MR-1-Build365) WAF different ports


I have configured a WAF Rule as following:

WAF #1 
WAN -> HTTPS Port 443 for domain
Internal Web Server Port 443 

Everything works greats, i can reach my internal web-server via

So i created a new Rule as following:

WAF #2: WAN -> HTTPS Port 8443 for domain
internal Web Server Port 8443

When i want to open i only get an error connection refused. 
But now i also get with the first url the same error 

Disable Rule #2 the first works again.

What is wrong?

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  • Are you using the same interface on the firewall and just difference Hostnames/FQDNs resolving on the same WAN IP? 

    If you do a packet capture on the firewall, does it hit on your alternative port? 


  • Hi

    Same WAN IP on the WAF rules. packet capture does not show anything when rule 2 is active. only when rule 2 is inactive it shows traffic for rule 1.

  • Essentially it should work - But why do you not see the packets in packet capture? This is the first part, which should show your connection regardless of the WAF rules. Packet capture is based on the Interface level. 


  • Essentially it should work - But why do you not see the packets in packet capture? This is the first part, which should show your connection regardless of the WAF rules. Packet capture is based on the Interface level. 


  • i had a mistake on capturing. now capture works, but problem is still the same.

    rule#1 -> 

    Ethernet header
    Source MAC address:bc:x
    Destination MAC address: c8:x
    Ethernet type IPv4 (0x800)
    IPv4 Header
    Source IP address:185.x
    Destination IP address:94.x
    protocol: TCP
    Header:20 Bytes
    Type of service: 0
    Total length: 52 Bytes
    Fragment offset:16384
    Time to live: 118
    Checksum: 39422
    TCP Header:
    Source port: 19637
    Destination port: 443
    Flags: SYN
    Sequence number: 1508870166
    Acknowledgement number: 0
    Window: 64240
    Checksum: 17658

    is consumed by rule 15 (this is WAF rule#1) Same when rule2 is active.

    rule#2 ->

    Ethernet header
    Source MAC address:bc:x
    Destination MAC address: c8:x
    Ethernet type IPv4 (0x800)
    IPv4 Header
    Source IP address:185.x
    Destination IP address:94.x
    protocol: TCP
    Header:20 Bytes
    Type of service: 0
    Total length: 52 Bytes
    Fragment offset:16384
    Time to live: 118
    Checksum: 39379
    TCP Header:
    Source port: 1069
    Destination port: 12389
    Flags: SYN
    Sequence number: 507478842
    Acknowledgement number: 0
    Window: 64240
    Checksum: 40804

    is consumed by rule 25 (default drop) WHY?!?

  • Just to be sure: You are using https://hostname:12389 not http://? 

    Could you check the /log/reverseproxy.log, if you see any kind of "Invalid encryption key". 


  • Hi, it is https:// 

    i found the problem but i don't know how this can happen.

    in /log/reverseproxy.log (can i access this only over ssh?) i found following:

    [Tue Aug 30 09:52:24.597108 2022] [ssl:emerg] [pid 4716:tid 140673883045568] AH02565: Certificate and private key from /conf/certificate/ and /conf/certificate/private/ do not match
    AH00016: Configuration Failed

    this repeats every few seconds, so i belive thats the reason why no site works.

    after reuploading the same pem & key file via web, rule 2 works....

    that is confusing thank you for your help!