Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Sophos XG default web exceptions

Hi Community, 

Sophos XG adds a few default web filter exceptions with all of them enabled except legacy, see screenshot below

When you add an appliance to a central group every exception will be cloned with a name suffix "Original" which could be edited, see 2nd screenshot below

once you enable/disable an exception in central the "Original" will change from default to the group name.

a few questions regarding the feature behavior:

  • when are these default exceptions updated without regarding central? it seems to us only the initial installation state is retained and never changed (i.e. a fresh install of 18.5.2 has different default exceptions than another XG which was updated to 18.5.2)
  • why is there a copy of the default exception named "Original"? what's the purpose?
  • assumption: only if you change the default exception in central (and thus origin = group instead of default) it will overwrite the local exceptions on the appliances
  • if you change the default exception will it still be updated by sophos in central to reflect changes?


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  • I also already noticed that. This is a very confusing configuration. I'd like to know the technical background of these "original" exceptions as written by