Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Migrating from Sophos SSL VPN Client to Sophos Connect v2

Hello all,

we have to migrate from the "old" Sophos SSL VPN Client to the new Sophos Connect v2 Client. We would like to deploy the Connect v2 via Software Deployment (Desktop Management System). Providing the msi with parameters isnt the problem. 

Is there a best practise for migrating to the new client. There should be no interruption for the user and we need to transfer the existing VPN Config from the old to the new client.

Thank you in Advance!

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  • You can import the old config to the Connect client. The old files work.

    If you are still planning, I suggest you test the deployment method, that pulls the config from the userportal, using a .pro file.

    You cannot simply copy the old config into the SC client, you need to doubledlick the ovpn files or load them in the user context with CLI

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Connect>sccli.exe help
    Command line interface for controlling the Sophos Connect client.
      sccli action [options...]

      add       Adds a connection into the Sophos Connect engine.
      remove    Removes a connection from the Sophos Connect engine.
      update    Updates a connection in the Sophos Connect engine.
      list      Lists the connections in the Sophos Connect engine.
      enable    Enables a connection.
      disable   Disables a connection.
      get       Gets connection information.
      show      Shows various information.

    sccli.exe add -f "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos SSL VPN Client\config\myoldlegacySSLCPN.ovpn" -n testVPN
    File 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos SSL VPN Client\config\myoldlegacySSLCPN.ovpn' will be added
    Connection testVPN was successfully added

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos SSL VPN Client\config is the default path of the old SSL VPN client.

    Be aware, that the Connect client has multiple technical and other issues with user passwords. I have the feeling that we need to wait long until a fixed version comes out. Sophos does communicate ETA-