Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.
Hi all,
Maybe this blasphemy but I got my hands on a Cisco ASA 5545-X (8core 12GB RAM) which would be a perfect candidate to install Sophos on. Basically it is still "a server" on which you can install stuff.
Yes, I know I can use the ASA as a firewall but you need a bit (understatement) more understanding of Cisco appliances to configure that one and I am knowledgeable with Sophos UTM/XG appliances so I prefer to install Sophos on it. Besides, I don't even have licenses to run FirePower on the ASA anyway.
Is there anyone here that has experience with this how to do that or is it technically not even possible to run a different OS on a Cisco ASA?