Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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XG web filter blocking (unknown root CA)

Could you please install the required Root CAs for your own services on all Sophos Security devices?

See here: which is linked on the Web GUI of SG is blocked by XG web filter

Of course I can work around that but it is some kind of ugly if I see such issues within the Sophos product family.

2021-05-06 18:22:40SYSTEMmessageid="17917" log_type="Event" log_component="HTTPS" log_subtype="System" dst_ip="" message="HTTPS access is denied due to invalid server certificate. Disable "Block invalid certificates" from "Web -> General Settings -> HTTPS Decryption and Scanning" to access HTTPS site '">'" user_agent="" status_code="403" sentbytes="0"

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