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Sophos XG Remote access Web admin.

This is the settings for the device access.

I also added the remote IP that is allowed to access the Webadmin via https on the Wan.  This works. But when i try it on my phone which has a total different IP it also works.

Am i forgetting something?

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  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    Hi ,

    Thanks for reaching out, and welcome to the Sophos Community! 

    Are you connected to the internal network of the firewall via VPN or on the wireless network? 


  • You need to enable access on the WAN interface for remote access from outside the LAN.

    • wan access is working. but i only want it to work on certain External IP's  I do have the Wan https check disabled.

      • Will it be easier to Synchronise XG to Sophos Central and then access XG. You can enable MFA for Sophos central, so security is better to access XG from the web.

        • i dont want to use the Sophos Central. I just want it the easy way. I just want the group of IP's that is allowed to access the https via WAN. there will be multiple users dont need every user there own account and also not going to share credentials.

          • What does the log viewer (firewall and authentication section) show when you are connecting remotely from the WAN. Does it show any error for why the packet is  being dropped. Is the firewall rule you applied appear at the top among other rules.

            • Could not associate packet to any connection.

              i have no extra firewall rules atm just the standaard ones. But need to fix this before i do all the other settings.