I will explain my network first -
Site A= (XG site)
Site B= (TMG)
Site B is TMG (I know - its old - I set up at my parents years ago).
Site A - newly setup XG.
IPSEC site to site. All set, good to go. Both pingable.
Site a (XG)<-----------------> Site b(TMG)
Now, If I start a redirection from site B to Site A (This redirection is from game server), The game server at Site A (XG side) is dropped by XG to route via the tunnel. This XG site server( can never ping ANY site at TMG side now. On packet capture, I see that XG is now trying to route the packet (source is XG Site LAN) via WAN IP, instead of the LAN IP.
In the below packet capture, I have set two pings. One is from to This is routed properly)
Other is to This works well, but the moment i start the redirection server, it stops pinging. Uninstalling the redicrection doesnot help. Rebooting doesnot help. ONLY change in IP helps.
Both the 192.168.89.x have gateway set as
Magically, If i change the IP from to any other ip, it starts working!! is lost to me now as I can never use it again.
I have restarted both TMG and XG to see if there is any reminiscent of route left. It doesnot route EVER.
(Sorry if the above is complex - Its too complex for me to understand too - I have wasted 5 days trying to troubleshoot. Why XG is putting WAN ip to route a pacjet on IPSEC tunnel?)
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