We had a normal router, and we were using port forwarding, we connect from outside to many machines at the office using RDP,
So for example:
If we connect from outside to WANIP:1111 it forwards to
If we connect from outside to WANIP:2222 it forwards to
Now we moved to Sophos XG115 (SFOS 17.1.3 MR-3), so I need to create one service like this picture attached:
NOTE: I also tried with Source Port: 3389 (not a range)
In Firewall, I added a business Rule, See Next Image:
Licensing Machine defined:
Please notice that the second field of "Mapping Port" after the "to" is still disabled.
Also, as I understand I need to create a rule for each of the forwarding I am trying to do.
Hope you can tell me what I am doing wrong.
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