Disclaimer: This information is provided as-is for the benefit of the Community. Please contact Sophos Professional Services if you require assistance with your specific environment.
We want to share a sample PowerShell script that utilizes the new Active Threat Response APIs and, therefore, allows you to easily add/delete MAC addresses. Sophos Central Release: Active Threat Response for Sophos Switches
This script can be used for Sophos Switch and Sophos Wireless.
To be able to use the script you need API credentials; how these are created is described here: https://developer.sophos.com/getting-started-tenant
The script accepts the following parameters:
- -SaveCredentials - Normally, you will have to provide the API credentials every time you run the script. If you however run the script initially with the -SaveCredentials parameter, then it will store the API credentials locally (in the same directory as where the script is located), please note that you should not specify -SaveCredentials on consecutive runs.
- -add or -del -> add resp. delete MAC addresses (these two parameter cannot be combined)
- -wifi and/or -switch -> perform the action for AP6 access points and/or switches (both parameters can be specified at the same time)
- -macAddresses -> a single MAC Address or an array of MAC addresses, you do not need to specify this parameter explicitly
Some examples:
- -add 01:02:03:04:05:06 -switch -> will add 01:02:03:04:05:06 to the switch ATR List
- -add 02:03:04:05:06:07 -switch -wifi -> will add 02:03:04:05:06:07 to the switch and access point ATR Lists
- -del 02:03:04:05:06:07 -wifi -> will remove 02:03:04:05:06:07 from the access point ATR List
- -del 01:02:03:04:05:06,02:03:04:05:06:07 -switch -> will remove 01:02:03:04:05:06 and 02:03:04:05:06:07 from the switch ATR List
Calling the script without any parameters will show you which MAC addresses are currently on the ATR lists.
param ([string[]] $macAddresses, [switch] $add, [switch] $del, [switch] $wifi, [switch] $switch, [switch] $saveCredentials) <# Description: Sophos ATR MAC Filter Parameters: -SaveCredentials -> will store then entered credentials locally on the PC. #> function IsMACAddressValid { param ([string]$macAddress) $RegEx = "^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[-:]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$" if ($macAddress -match $RegEx) { return $true } else { return $false } } Clear-Host Write-Output "===============================================================================" Write-Output "Sophos API - Wi-Fi / Switch ATR MAC Filter --- START" Write-Output "===============================================================================" # Define the filename and path for the credential file $credentialFile = $PSScriptRoot + '\Sophos_Central_Admin_Credentials.json' # Check if Central API Credentials have been stored, if not then prompt the user to enter the credentials if (((Test-Path $credentialFile) -eq $false) -or $saveCredentials){ # Prompt for Credentials $clientId = Read-Host "Please Enter your Client ID" $clientSecret = Read-Host "Please Enter your Client Secret" -AsSecureString } else { # Read Credentials from JSON File $credentials = Get-Content $credentialFile | ConvertFrom-Json $clientId = $credentials[0] $clientSecret = $credentials[1] | ConvertTo-SecureString } # We are making use of the PSCredentials object to store the API credentials # The Client Secret will be encrypted for the user excuting the script # When scheduling execution of the script remember to use the same user context $secureCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $clientId , $clientSecret # SOPHOS OAuth URL $tokenURI = "https://id.sophos.com/api/v2/oauth2/token" # TokenRequestBody for oAuth2 $tokenRequestBody = @{ "grant_type" = "client_credentials"; "client_id" = $secureCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().Username; "client_secret" = $secureCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password; "scope" = "token"; } $tokenRequestHeaders = @{ "content-type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; } # Set TLS Version [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 # Post Request to SOPHOS for OAuth2 token try { $APIAuthResult = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $tokenURI -Body $tokenRequestBody -Headers $tokenRequestHeaders -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ScriptError) if ($saveCredentials) { $clientSecret = $clientSecret | ConvertFrom-SecureString ConvertTo-Json $clientID, $clientSecret | Out-File $credentialFile -Force } } catch { # If there's an error requesting the token, say so, display the error, and break: Write-Output "" Write-Output "AUTHENTICATION FAILED - Unable to retreive SOPHOS API Authentication Token" Write-Output "Please verify the credentials used!" Write-Output "" Write-Output "If you are working with saved credentials then you can reset them by calling" Write-Output "this script with the -SaveCredentials parameter" Write-Output "" Read-Host -Prompt "Press ENTER to continue..." Break } # Set the Token for use later on: $token = $APIAuthResult.access_token # SOPHOS Whoami URI: $whoamiURI = "https://api.central.sophos.com/whoami/v1" # SOPHOS Whoami Headers: $whoamiRequestHeaders = @{ "Content-Type" = "application/json"; "Authorization" = "Bearer $token"; } # Post Request to SOPHOS for Whoami Details: $APIWhoamiResult = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $whoamiURI -Headers $whoamiRequestHeaders -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ScriptError) # Save Response details $APIidTenant = $APIWhoamiResult.id $APIdataRegion = $APIWhoamiResult.ApiHosts.dataRegion if ($APIWhoamiResult.idType -ne "tenant") { Write-Output "This script can only be used with tenant credentials. Aborting..." exit } # SOPHOS Endpoint API Headers: $tentantAPIHeaders = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $token"; "X-Tenant-ID" = "$APIidTenant"; } # Ensure that the MAC Address is valid for add/del actions and normalize it if ($add -or $del -or $switch -or $wifi) { if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('macAddresses')) { Write-Output "MAC Address(es) not specified, aborting..." exit } if (-not ($del -or $add)) { Write-Output "The ATR targets -wifi and/or -switch need to be combined with an action." Write-Output "You can use -add or -del as action. Aborting..." exit } if (-not ($switch -or $wifi)) { Write-Output "The actions -add or -del need to be combined with a target ATR list. " Write-Output "You can use -wifi and/or -switch as targets. Aborting..." exit } if ($del -and $add) { Write-Output "The actions -add and -del cannot be combined. Aborting..." exit } } # Create object to hold MAC-Address List $macList = New-Object System.Data.Datatable [void]$macList.Columns.Add("macAddress") [void]$macList.Columns.Add("WiFi") [void]$macList.Columns.Add("Switch") $macView = New-Object System.Data.DataView($macList) $macView.Sort = "macAddress ASC" # Get current ATR MAC-Filter Lists $getATRSwitch = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $APIdataRegion"/switch/v1/settings/mac-filtering" -Headers $tentantAPIHeaders -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ScriptError) foreach ($address in $getATRSwitch.macAddresses) { $address = ($address.ToUpper()) -replace '-',':' $macView.RowFilter = "macAddress = '$($address)'" if ($macView.Count -ne 0) { $macView | ForEach-Object { $_.Switch = $true } } else { [void]$macList.Rows.Add($address, $false, $true) } } $getATRWiFi = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $APIdataRegion"/wifi/v1/settings/mac-filtering" -Headers $tentantAPIHeaders -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ScriptError) foreach ($address in $GetATRWiFi.macAddresses) { $address = ($address.ToUpper()) -replace '-',':' $macView.RowFilter = "macAddress = '$($address)'" if ($macView.Count -ne 0) { $macView | ForEach-Object { $_.WiFi = $true } } else { [void]$macList.Rows.Add($address, $true, $false) } } Write-Output "" Write-Output "Current ATR MAC Filter List:" $macView.RowFilter = "WiFi = $true or Switch = $true" $macView | Format-Table # Modify table based on parameters specified... foreach ($macAddress in $macAddresses) { if (IsMACAddressValid $macAddress) { $macAddress = ($macAddress.ToUpper()) -replace '-',':' } else { Write-Output "MAC Address invalid $($macAddress), aborting..." exit } if ($add) { if ($switch) { $macView.RowFilter = "macAddress = '$($macAddress)'" if ($macView.Count -ne 0) { $macView | ForEach-Object { $_.Switch = $true } } else { [void]$macList.Rows.Add($macAddress, $false, $true) } } if ($wifi) { $macView.RowFilter = "macAddress = '$($macAddress)'" if ($macView.Count -ne 0) { $macView | ForEach-Object { $_.WiFi = $true } } else { [void]$macList.Rows.Add($macAddress, $true, $false) } } } if ($del) { if ($switch) { $macView.RowFilter = "macAddress = '$($macAddress)'" if ($macView.Count -ne 0) { $macView | ForEach-Object { $_.Switch = $false } } } if ($wifi) { $macView.RowFilter = "macAddress = '$($macAddress)'" if ($macView.Count -ne 0) { $macView | ForEach-Object { $_.WiFi = $false } } } } } # time to update the ATR lists in Sophos Central if ($add -or $del) { if ($switch) { $macView.RowFilter = "Switch = $true" if ($macView.Count -eq 0) { $Body = '{ "macAddresses": [ ] }' } elseif ($macView.Count -eq 1) { $Body = '{ "macAddresses": [ ' + ($macView.macAddress | ConvertTo-Json) + '] }' } else { $Body = '{ "macAddresses": ' + ($macView.macAddress | ConvertTo-Json) + ' }' } try { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $APIdataRegion"/switch/v1/settings/mac-filtering" -Method PUT -Headers $tentantAPIHeaders -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $Body } catch { Write-Output "Oops, something went wrong. Aborting..." } } if ($wifi) { $macView.RowFilter = "WiFi = $true" if ($macView.Count -eq 0) { $Body = '{ "macAddresses": [ ] }' } elseif ($macView.Count -eq 1) { $Body = '{ "macAddresses": [ ' + ($macView.macAddress | ConvertTo-Json) + '] }' } else { $Body = '{ "macAddresses": ' + ($macView.macAddress | ConvertTo-Json) + ' }' } try { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $APIdataRegion"/wifi/v1/settings/mac-filtering" -Method PUT -Headers $tentantAPIHeaders -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $Body } catch { Write-Output "Oops, something went wrong. Aborting..." } } Write-Output "New ATR MAC Filter List:" $macView.RowFilter = "WiFi = $true or Switch = $true" $macView | Format-Table } Write-Output "===============================================================================" Write-Output "Sophos API - Wi-Fi / Switch ATR MAC Filter --- END" Write-Output "==============================================================================="
Edited TAGs, title, lines, minor grammar change
[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 12:18 PM (GMT -7) on 7 Jun 2024]