While reading the log files of SMC I stumbled over the so called smartman account with an base64-encoded password hash.
This account is not mentioned in the manual.
Is this a backdoor?
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While reading the log files of SMC I stumbled over the so called smartman account with an base64-encoded password hash.
This account is not mentioned in the manual.
Is this a backdoor?
Hi Alex,
at first, I want to emphasize that there is no backdoor within Sophos Mobile Control.
where exactly did you find something about the 'smartman' user?
What does the log entry exactly say?
On my test SMC server, I could only find entries like this:
2016-03-03 04:05:37,617 INFO [main data.bo.BoUtil] could not find entry for parameter "config.core.InitialClientPassword", using "xxxxxxxxx"
2016-03-03 04:05:37,633 INFO [main data.bo.BoUtil] could not find entry for parameter "config.core.InitialClientUsername", using default "smartman"
This was used to secure the first connection of Windows Mobile 6.x or old Android devices. This is not relevant anymore and will be removed if you are updating to a SMC 5.
If you are not referring to these entries, please post a copy of them so I could clarify it for you.
Best regards