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Bulk-Job SMC 6.0: How to set 180 iPads to unmanaged?

Hi there,

my 180 iPads are set to managed in SMC 6.0. But due to a new configuration with apple configurator 2 they have a brandnew configuration and not connected to the SMC. How can I mark all iPads and set them to unmanaged? I can do it for 1 iPad in the detailed view of one iPad but not for 180 devices at once. I would really appreciate it if all possible tasks for one device will become available for all tagged devices in the list-view. Maybe you can put it under my x-mas-tree with the Version 6.1 ;-)?

seasons greetings


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  • Hi Detlef,

    at the moment the "Set to unmanaged" option is not available in the multi device actions. This would be a feature request
    But I am wondering what you would need that action for exactly?

    I am not 100% yet how the new Apple Configurator works exactly, but I would assume that the auto-enrollment feature would also create a new device on the SMC side. However, this may not be successful then as the device
    The "Set to unmanaged" option does not remove all the data completely and for example the IMEI value is still kept.
    Therefore, adding a "new" device via the Configurator with the same IMEI might fail.

    Is it feasible for you to simply delete the devices? This action already exists ;-)

    Best regards
  • Hi Stefan,
    my devices follow a naming-convention like tablet001 - tablet180. When I delete the devices from SMC6 and I add them via the AC2 and the auto-enrollment-Feature then we come to the next not-yet-existing Feature of SMC6. It would be nice if the SMC6 would auto-add an auto-enrolled Device with the clientname of that device but it doesn't. It gives the new iPad a strange name constructed of the device-type and some other fields (MAC-Address? IMEI? Not sure, something like that) and so I would have to rename all of my 180 iPads. Not good. This not-yet-existing Feature will hopefully appear in SMC 6.1 and then everything is open again. But then there's another thing missing: Assign an email-address to all of the new added devices in the list. Can I set a default-mail-address for every new device?
    The developers of every administrative tool should be forced to use their own tool and do every possible action for 300 devices/users or whatever is administered by the tool. Then you can be sure it's a good tool for the administration of large environments. One job for X devices should be one action and not x actions.

    my 2 cents

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
