I've recently taken over ICT support for a school using Sophos Endpoint Protection.
I'm unable to access the Enterprise Console. The problem appears to be that the management host service is not starting due to an authentication error with the configured user account. I've seen posts about similar problems following server updates/reboots.
I'm unable to get details of the accounts and passwords used to setup Sophos from the previous tech who did the installation and the school has no record of them.
What are my options for recovering the situation ? Can I reinstall the console with out knowing the existing credentials and preserve my current configuration and client data.
Error data from starting the console below:
Sophos.UIController.Extension.UIControllerException: Cannot retrieve session token after 8 retries. Please check that the Sophos Management Host service is running, otherwise see KBA 118513.
at Sophos.UIController.IdentityServiceAbstracter.EndRetrieveSessionToken()
at Sophos.UIController.UIControl.InitializeModulesDependencies()
at Sophos.UIController.UIControl.<Initialize>b__b()
at Sophos.UIController.Product.Logging.LogMethod(MemberInfo method, Action func)
at Sophos.UIController.UIControl.Initialize()
----- [outer exception] -----
-- error: 0x80004005 (Unspecified error)
-- facility: Generic (System)
-- source: Sophos.UIController
at class ATL::CComBSTR __thiscall UIControl::initialize(class ATL::CComPtr<struct IDispatch>)
at class ATL::CComPtr<struct IDispatch> __thiscall bl::CReusingManagementServiceClientBroker::logIn(const struct util::UserName &,class Loki::SmartPtr<class bl::SubEstate,class Loki::RefCountedMTAdj<class Loki::ClassLevelLockable>::RefCountedMT,struct Loki::DisallowConversion,struct util::NoDereferenceNull,class Loki::DefaultSPStorage>,const wchar_t *,class bl::UIControllerBase &)
at int __cdecl Run(int,class bl::CommandLine,enum bl::ConsoleType::Type)
at int __stdcall wWinMain(struct HINSTANCE__ *,struct HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
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