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Hide certain Objects from AD-Sync in the Console


we have an Enterprise Console set up with AD-Sync. But there are some items syncing, that we dont want in the Sophos Console. Like Synology NAS Devices, that are in AD to authenticate Users.

Is there some ways to hide such a device permanently, because when we only delete it, it shows up again after the next sync.


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Parents Reply Children
  • Do you think Sophos would include this in the next version? Do they have a feature request / suggestion page?

    I find it so annoying that I've been considering creating a SQL stored procedure to purge the non "protect-able" devices, i've even had a poke around the registry to see if anything can be changed in there.


  • Hello George Hayden,

    there's the blue Have a cool product idea ... rectangle on the right with a link to the Ideas forum.
    I don't think it'll get high priority - if, then it will likely come with some form of automation.
