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SEC 5.5.2 upgrade problem

Hi everyone.

I'm trying tou upgrade SEC 5.5.1 to 5.5.2 and i'm stuck on this

I have read many sophos kb and ms kb and setup all registry value and always error.

The server is windows server 2016 std, The install of SEC 5.5.1 is a fresh install done in 2019, sql server is 2012 sp4 express on local machine.

If someone can help me, i thank it a lot.

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  • Hello patrice lavielle,

    first of all, these are warnings only, it should be possible to proceed with the install. And as this is a local SQL instance you don't have to use TLS at all.

    Furthermore, as far as I can see your platforms are good for another year so why upgrade now as SESC goes end-of-life in less than 12 months? In case you intend to migrate to Central your version of SEC is definitely supported.


    • My server show me that message, so what i have to do. Does SEC works well until 2023

      • Hello patrice lavielle,

        these are dark times when it comes to SESC. SEC 5.5.2 has been released early 2020 and it looked like 5.6 or even a 6.0 was in the works. A few months later came the EOL announcement for the On-Premise products. Together with this announcement SEC 5.5.0 and 5.5.1 were listed as retired - the latter's retirement date subsequently postponed to July 2021. Nevertheless, this is more than a year past.
        Dunno why you received this message now (or recently) and why it's dated 2017. 5.5.1 came out Q2 2018 ....

        Anyway, 5.5.1 is already one year past its retirement date - and worked until now, didn't it? Less than another year to go and during this time you have to switch to another product from Sophos or another vendor. It doesn't really matter whether 5.5.1 is supported or not: If you choose another vendor, well, from Sophos' POV you're likely on your own anyway, and if you choose Central Sophos will likely help you whether you're on 5.5.2 or any of the 5.x series. Just my personal opinion though. 

        If you still intend to migrate, simply ignore the TLS warnings. If you don't have a reason to migrate other than the Messenger message - don't do it. 


        • Thank you.

          A simple and clear response.

          So i let my server as is and wait for the end of life of SEC (2013 ????).

          I'm going to buy some Central licences to begin to migrate some computer.

          • Hello patrice lavielle,

            EOL for all On-Premises products is 20 July 2023. It is advisable to migrate well before that date and it's a good idea to allot enough time. Ask your reseller for special conditions so that you don't have to pay twice for the migration period.
