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Update Enterprise Console 3 to Enterprise Console 4

Dear Concern,

Good Day.

We want to migrate or update our Enterprise Console (Ver -3 and DB SOPHOS3) to the latest version.

We go through sophos support doc but we fail in our test environment.

So we want your help/support/ suggestion from the very first beginning.

So we need your kind cooperation.

Thanks n Regards,



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  • Hello Shariar,

    without any details on the failure I fear we can't be of much help. So please post what you have done (how did you set up your test environment, what steps did you perform to update, where did it fail and of course what was the error you received), whether you attempted to upgrade to 4.0 or 4.5 and the OS versions involved.

    Your other option is of course to call Support directly - as the Welcome says: SophosTalk is not a replacement for the phone and email Support channels we've always offered


  • Hello Christian,

    We have successfully update sophos console 3 to sophos console 4.5

    We want to shift SOPHOS45 database server to another location and want application to connect with that server. We have done that by changes at SOPHOS45 database regedit (\hkey_local_machine\software\sophos\ee\management tools). We can open the application but get some following error.


    A transient error has occurred.

    ----- [outer exception] -----

       -- error: 0x829F0004

       -- facility: Sophos Management Service Transient Exception

       at void __cdecl bl::TThrowBLException::deal_with_error(long,const char *)

       at 2

       at 1

       at void __thiscall ListDataCache::hint(unsigned int,unsigned int,bool)

       at int __cdecl Run(int,enum bl::ConsoleType::Type)

       at int __stdcall wWinMain(struct HINSTANCE__ *,struct HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)


    Can you plz suggest.

  • Hi,

    Is it really a transient error as the message would suggest, does this always appear or is it a one off?  

    Is it always the same error?

    Does it appear when doing something specific in SEC?

    If the management service starts and remains started it must be happily addressing the database so there can't be much wrong with the installation.  

    If it keeps failing in this way I would suggest contacting Support to maybe request the trace registry keys of the management service.That will enable you to log in far more detail what is going on with the console and the service.

    Also, just to let you know, if you run the Upgrade Advisor tool in the future it will complain that you have moved the database from the original location that was installed.  You can, as you've done just change the connection string and add in an impersonation account into the registry to get it to work but as the datasource value in the connection string, e.g.:

    Provider=SQLOLEDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=SOPHOS45;Data Source=[SERVER]\[INSTANCE];
    Does not match the original installed instance name, as stored here: 
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sophos\EE\Management Tools\Database Installer]
    the Upgrade Advisor tool will complain.  That's not to say you need to change anything it's just more of a heads up for the future.
    To move the database to another server, you should:
    1. Install new instance.
    2. Install new SOPHOS45 database into the new instance using the installer
    3. Stop the management service on the management server.
    4. Take a backup of the SOPHOS45 database using backupd.bat for example.
    5. Restore this into the new SOPHOS45 database on the new SQL instance using restoredb.bat for example.
    6. Run the modify option on the management server SEC installer and choose to remove the database component.  In doing so it will ask for the new database location and the impersonation account for the management service to use to access the database in its new location.  Enter those details and you're done.