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Sophos Enterprise Console unexpected error has occurred

Sophos enterprise console pop up message "An unexpected error"  while  installed Remote Management system as remote server 


then click "advanced"  shown below message 

System.InvalidOperationException: Exceeded maximum recursion depth while constructing update hierarchy tree.
at Sophos.Management.Sddma.UpdateHierarchy.RecursivelyAddServerAndChildren(List`1 locationNodes, DataMaps datamaps, Int32 recursionDepth)

at Sophos.Management.Sddma.UpdateHierarchy..ctor(String updateHierarchyDataXml)
at Sophos.Management.Services.Sddma.UpdateHierarchyMonitor.GetUpdateHierarchy()
at Sophos.Management.Services.Sddma.AuthoritativeServerSelector.RefreshCandidateAuthoritativeServers()
at Sophos.Management.Services.Sddma.AuthoritativeServerSelector.GetServerIdentityTag()
at Sophos.Management.Services.Sddma.AuthoritativeServerSelector.GetServer()

----- [outer exception] -----
-- error: 0x80131509
-- facility: C#/.NET
-- source: Sophos.Management.Sddma

at 1
at bool __cdecl AL::IsAuthoritativeSumServerPresent(void)
at bool __cdecl AL::IsUpdatingSystemConfigured(void)
at void __thiscall CMainFrame::CreateMenuBar(void)
at __w64 long __thiscall CMainFrame::OnCreate(struct tagCREATESTRUCTW *)
at int __cdecl Run(int,class bl::CommandLine,enum bl::ConsoleType::Type)
at int __stdcall wWinMain(struct HINSTANCE__ *,struct HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)

Please kindly assists 




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  • Hello Leo Lee,

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean by installed Remote Management system as remote server. Could you perhaps provide a screenshot of what you were doing before you got the pop-up?
    Or are you unable to open the console but it worked before? In this case: What exactly was Installed?


  • Thanks Christian

     after i install Remote management at other server  ,above message pop up at enterprise console server  

    then i cannot open console anymore .


  • Hello Leo Lee,

    thanks, better but still not clear though.
    I'm aware that it's often not easy to describe a problem so that others can follow the description. For one thing many terms and expressions are ambiguous - take for example problems with installing the database: It could refer to installing a SQL Server, a specific instance, creating a database in an instance, or the install of SEC's Database component.

    As far as I understand it: You have the enterprise console server (I prefer Management Server or - not quite exact - SEC if you want) installed an running. Then you did an install Remote management at another server - this part is still not clear (at least to me). Was it a Remote Console (i.e. you ran Setup.exe from \sec_550\ServerInstaller\ selecting just the Console component) or something else (please give the details what you ran from where?) - I assume the latter as I haven't heard of similar problems following an install of a Remote Console. Anyway, now you can no longer open the console on the Management Server?

    Please have a look at the sophos-management-services.log<.n> logs in %ProgramData%\Sophos\Sophos Endpoint Management\log\, search for Authoritative - there might be some hint in the surrounding lines.

    The error you get looks like you have more than one (the one on the Management Server) Sophos Update Manager (SUM) installed. But this alone shouldn't cause an error.


  • Thanks Christian


    Sorry , should after install sophos update manager at other  server , the enterprise console came out error message 

    Now , my team uninstall SUM  & reinstall enterprise console , then console able to open 

    Please kindly advice any action or checking before install SUM at other server 








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