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Upgrade error when updating to Enterprise console 4 on a air gapped network


I'm trying to upgrade my enterprise console 3.0 to 4.0 en finally to 4.5. The upgrade of the console succeeded but i receive an error when i want to configure the update manager. The error is: "couldn't create cataloque sdds.local".

The enterprise console is on an air gapped network. I copy the complete library folder from an server connected to the internet to my air gapped server. The sophos service account has full control on the folder where i copy the library.

I have a seperate SQL server which is succesfully upgraded to 4.0.

The server which is connected to the internet is not yet upgraded to 4.0. Can this be the problem? Can i still use the update's on my old (3.0) configuration when i upgrade this server to 4.0?

Are there any idea's what the problem could be when is not the update folder?

Witht best regards,



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  • Hello Peter,

    from 4.0 SEC comes with SUM which eventually replaces EM Library. EM Library can still co-exist but SUM expects its download sources in a new format. Initially after the upgrade clients still expect their updates from the \InterChk share which is still managed by EM Library (legacy updating). By changing the policies they are directed to the \SophosUpdate share which is also the location from which a SUM can download the updates.

    While the EM Library on the already upgraded console can update as before SUM requires that the source is at least a 4.0.

    Is it clearer now?


  • Christian,

    Thank you for your clear answer. Gonna update my "download" server first and from there upgrade my "air gapped" server.

    Have a nice weekend,


    ps will mark this as accepted solution when the upgrade is succesfull otherwise i have to create a new message

  • Hello,

    I'm still unable to migrate to 4.0.

    I placed the "warehouse" folder in the following shares:


    \\server\SophosLibrary (this is the Em library location)


    Here is the migration report 

    Migration report for EM Library on server 

    Overall statusMigration failed
    EM Library share\\server\SophosEM
    Messaging system addressRouter$server
    Started at2011-03-14T07:43:29.7695233Z
    Ended at2011-03-14T07:48:32.3905185Z
    Error Failed to acquire product information required to migrate the EM Library settings to the update manager.
    Action Received migration data from the endpoint with the messaging system address Router$server.
    Action Sent a request to the endpoint with the messaging system address Router$server to check whether it requires migration from EM Library to Sophos Update Manager.

    Any idea's



  • Hello Peter,

    I didn't ask about the "parent" configuration of your air gapped server (AGS). I assumed you were using something like \\AGS\updates and let EM Library pull the stuff from there. I might misunderstand you but it sounds like you were (and are) writing directly to the share(s). When I tested air gapped updating I had configured the AGS to "loop back" to shares created on the removable medium - I've never copied to the "target" shares.

    There's a description for Failed to acquire product information. The article lists common problems and how to resolve them. It might help you to find out what's still missing.


  • Hello Christian,

    The \\server\SophosLibrary (this is the Em library location) is the location in where i paste the old "library" folder and from which EM library retrieves it's updates.

    I assumed that SUM is working in the same way so i copied the "warehouse" in the same location as i copied the updates for the em library.

    I reconfigured the SUM and it looks like the migration succeeded but now i receive an error which states that the "Threat detection data update failed" with en error code: 80040404. and another error: "Software update failed" with an error code: 80040401.

    Any idea? Looked on the site but couldn't find a suitable solution.


  • Hello Peter,

    these messages are from the View update manager details? Usually they are accompanied by another 8004040x error (not that these are always immediately helpful).

    Where is the SUM updating from - the server's disk via an additional share on the server? Has it an update interval configured and if has it made more than one attempt  to update? If not, please try Update Now. Of course the Warehouse should be in a "stable state" (and the master SUM showing no error) when you copy it.


  • Christian,

    The messages are from the View update manager details and the 2 i mentioned are the only one stated in there.

    SUM is updating from an additional share on the servers disk. There is an update interval of 10 minutes and there were enough attempts over the weekend.

    What do you mean by "the warehouse should be in a stable state" ?


  • Peter,

    the warehouse should be in a stable state means that it should be complete and consistent. As the master server pull the updates from Sophos it updates the Warehouse. If you copy the Warehouse contents while they are being updated it might be that that one or the other item is not as it should be. I say might because I haven't analyzed the process in detail but as this isn't a database I expect that a consistent state is not guaranteed.  

    A closer look at the SUMTraceyyyymmddThhmmss.log should give you some details on the error.


  • Christian,

    Thank you for your explanation about the stable state.

    What is the location of the log. Did a search but couldn't find it.

    About my "master" server which is connected to sophos. I see the same errors when looking at the update manager details. There are no errors in the migration report.

    The SUM states in the configuration colomn "Does not match" when i view the Enterprise console update managers.

    In the server details only the two earlier mentioned errors are shown there. The sophos site doesn't give me a solution when i click on both the errors.


  • Hello again, Peter

    What is the location of the log

    [%ProgramData%|...\All Users\Application Data]\Sophos\Update Manager\Logs.

    Errors occur from time to time and are usually "transient".

    The SUM states in the configuration column "Does not match"

    Similar to the policies for the clients a SUM's configuration is sent to the server via RMS and the report from the SUM is compared to the desired settings. Are you talking about the "child" SUM (did you add it manually)? As it can't report back the console has nothing to compare. Could you perhaps post a screenshot?

