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Will Sophos Anti-Virus check for linux viruses?

I've found the following statement for Sophos Anti-Virus for Linux

By default, Sophos Anti-Virus for UNIX/Linux and Sophos Anti-Virus for Linux scan for UNIX/Linux, DOS, Macintosh and all types of Windows viruses.

I was wondering if Sophos Aniti-Virus for Windows also scans for UNIX/Linux, DOS, Macintosh viruses.


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  • Hi rachael,

    All of Sophos anti-virus products contains same pattern files for any platforms which is supported .

    For example, Sophos anti-virus for Windows can detect computer virus for UNIX/LINUX platform.

    Also , Sophos anti-virus for mac can detect computer virus for windows platform:smileyvery-happy:

    Does my answer fullfil your needs?

