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Is there a Sophos removal utility to forcefully remove it from Desktops?

The reason for this is because we have a number of systems reporting errors updating and the only way we can see to fix this is the remove Sophos from the desktops and re-install a new copy. Unfortunately, some systems are giving us grief with uninstalling Sophos. It just doesn't seem to want to uninstall.

I would normally have used Microsoft's Fixit tool but they have just discontinued it last week and now I'm at a loss. I seriously don't want to have to re-image an entire computer simple because of one broken bit of software.

Thank you.

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  • Hello dwilson,

    the components are installed with the Windows Installer which is also the (only) tool to uninstall. I'm not aware that the Fix-It tool (which exists anyway for up to 8.1 only) has been discontinued - in any case all it does is scraping the Installer database so that the Installer performs a first-time install (as seen from the Installer - a CustomAction might still perform additional checks and thwart you - IIRC the RMS package had this kind of issue) but it can't correct errors outside the database (registry) which might be the cause of the failed updates.


  • Okay, so on my test system, I've ripped out as much of the Sophos stuff I can find but a new copy still will not install. Do you have registry keys or whatever that I should delete to make sure it will install? I don't get any errors or feedback of any kind from the install process so I don't even know where it's getting hung up.
  • Hello dwilson,

    Do you have registry keys
    I'm not Sophos - I'm happy to share what I know but this knowledge is limited. While it's said that Support engages in this forum I'd suggest you contact them directly.

    As for installer feedback - the bootstrapper setup.exe logs to the users %TEMP%,  installer and CustomAction logs go to the system Temp directory. 


  • We had similar when uninstalling. We got the install to run again after we removed the Sophos folders in C:\ProgramData (Hidden folder by default)
  • Thanks Matt! I'll give that a try!