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SUM, Subscriptions and folder naming (numbering)

SUM "magically" creates folder names for the subscriptions. The question is whether there is any way to control which numbers are assigned (apart from the "basic" S000).

Let's assume you have two independent management servers which both manage about half of your clients. In your updating policies you want to use each as the secondary for the other. This requires that the same folder name (Snnn) is used for the same subscription on both servers.

Now I think this can be tricky. As far as I found out SUM now uses consecutive numbering and for new installations the first additional subscription gets S001. The first versions of SUM used a different scheme (looked like the numbers were somehow derived, the software for MAC OS X 10.2/10.3 had S036).  It looks like SUM somehow remembers the last number used - even if I delete all but the "Recommended" subscription if I later add a new one it's assigned a new number.



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  • Thanks, John

    Short term: when I encountered the problem one idea was to use a legacy updating policy to specify different serials. I don't know if this will break something with the 9.x AutoUpdate. I could test it but unfortunately (depends on how you see it) on SEC is a fresh install without EM and legacy policies are not available so even if it works it would be of no use (unless legacy policies could be enabled).


  • Thanks, John

    Short term: when I encountered the problem one idea was to use a legacy updating policy to specify different serials. I don't know if this will break something with the 9.x AutoUpdate. I could test it but unfortunately (depends on how you see it) on SEC is a fresh install without EM and legacy policies are not available so even if it works it would be of no use (unless legacy policies could be enabled).


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