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Sophos won't deploy updates/won't remember username and pass

Hey All,

I am having an issue wherein every time I restart SEC it starts the 'Download Security Software Wizard' and asks me for my username and password. I can put this information in and instruct it to continue/download updates, it says it completes but refuses to deploy updates to my managed PCs.

For Policy Compliance it says "awaiting policy transfer" and for "up to date" it says Unkown. If I try to protect the computers it says "You cannot protect computers. The update manager has not finished downloading the software you need in order to protect them. Please try again later."

I've had it sitting all day. Under update managers it says 'Last Updated' 4:41, which was about 20 minutes ago, so it appears to be pulling down updates but won't deploy them. For download status it says Last checked at 3/24 5:01PM, about 3 minutes ago. What's going on here and how do I fix it?



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  • Hello t4rdigrade,

    I'd cancel the wizard (if it pops up again). Then open the Recommended subscription and check if the correct product is selected. Next configure the update manager manually (View/Edit configuration). If there isn't any source click Add..., select Sophos as address and enter your credentials. Then under Subscriptions move Recommended to the right pane. Distribution should be set correctly to the default share. After pressing OK make sure that the column Configuration in the Update managers view says Matches (after no more than a few seconds).

    Close the console and open it again to see if the configuration sticks. If it doesn't, we'll have to find out why.

    It's moot to deal with the clients before SUM has finished the initial download a deploy (note that in this context this means it has successfully created the CIDs). 

    Which SEC version is this and is this a new install or upgrade (as you obviously have already some clients I'm not sure).

