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Enterprise Console on 2 Servers

Hi there,

I have recently updated Enterprise Console to version 4.5. I Would  ideally like to have 2 Servers running Enterprise Console so if 1 of my servers went down that all the clients would keep being updated with any new IDE's. Is it possible to have 2 Servers running together for redundacy.



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  • Hello bold_defender,

    there are two distinct features in SEC - one is the management server (if which you can have only one), the other is the update manager (of which you can have many).  As you want both SUMs to update from Sophos I suggest you read How to specify an authoritative/master update manager carefully. Of course you'd have to configure your updating policies accordingly.

    Backing up your database regularly is a good idea, especially If you "expect" your server to go down for a longer period.

    Another option is to specify Sophos as secondary source in your updating policy - thus "in the unlikely event" the clients will keep being updated.  

    Feel free to ask if you have more questions


  • HI,

    It becomes more complicated if you want to maintain management via SEC, however if you wish to just maintain updating for the clients, you should be able to install and additional SUM on the network that updates from Sophos rather than the parent.  

    Have the additional SUM subscribe to all the same subscriptions and publish the distribution points.  Then in the policy of AutoUpdate you would configure your primary to be the main SUM and the secondary to be the other SUM (well the shares they maintain wherever they might be).

    That being said, if you currently have the secondary location configured to Sophos you would loose that option as you can only define 2 update sources on the endpoint, short of DNS tricks depending on location.  That being said, if the clients do update from Sophos as the secondary today.  If the primary location does go down, the clients would switch to using Sophos anyway and keep getting updates.


  • Thanks Guys,,

    I want to stay away from going directly out to web from client workstations so I'll prob go with a 2nd Update Manager as long it doesnt conflict with existing Update Manager.

  • Only drawback with not configuring Sophos as a secondary update point is that your travelling laptop users will not be able to get updates unless they are connected to your network.

  • Hi Guys,

    I've setup a second Update Manager but keeps failing to update, Any ideas.


  • Issue Resolved,

    Was a problem with Proxy allowing traffic from 2nd Server
