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Significant slower backup after installing Sophos on some Fileservers


Last week we started to remove another AV from our Fileservers in one site and we installed Sophos.

Now the backup time has doubled !

We see 386 MB/min with Sophos and  718mb/min with the other AV.

Did we miss a setting ?  both AV have on-access scanning enabled, we changed Sophos from  scan -on read-  to scan -on write-  but no changes  it stays slow.

We use Symantec  Backup exec 12.5 as backup software on this site.




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  • Hi René,

    Is this extra time due to Backup Exec backing up more data now SAV is installed? 
    The different speeds could just be due to different files being backed up also?

    One reason could simply be SAV is scanning more than the previous AV product did.
    Do you have "Scan all files" selected for either scheduled scans or on-access?

    Is the backup software using the USN (Update Sequence Number) to determine which files should be backed up?

    If so, you could try creating and setting the following key/value:

    to a 3.

    With this set, any on-demand scans of SAV, when they touch the file, SAV marks them with "BasicInfoChange".

    Before adding this key however, you could try disabling any scheduled scans on the machine as a test prior to the next backup and see if it runs quicker.  Without the scheduled on deman scan running, SAV wouldn't be "touching" as many files prior to backup and therefore maybe not so many are seen to need backing up having changed.

    I hope that helps

