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Email Alerts : SMTP Port Settings

Sophos Enterprise Console :

main menu click tools, there should be a “configure email alerts” options

The problem is the use of SMTP ports

It looks like there isnt a method to configure the SMTP server & PORT

We use a hosted exchange and the SMTP port needs to be changed to 2525

I do not see a way to do this in the Configure Email Alerts , nor in the Help Index , nor in this forum search , nor in a Google search

How can I make Port Settings? 

How do you guys get around this limited ability ?

If the only answer is :  Make an email account with the SMTP as 25 that does NOT require credentials, then this would be a bad thing. :smileyindifferent:




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  • Only thing I can think of here PAGAN is to create a simple linux machine that does a simple port forward to your hosted SMTP site then point your clients at it's IP address port 25 and then it can forward all requests to your SMTP port 2525. Need only be really simple router linux install running on a virtual somewhere....32MB's ram and virtually no CPU required.


    • Hi,

      I assume adding <address>:<port> is no help even after the GUI complains of the format?  I know that the information is stored in the table: [dbo].[EmailAlertsSMTPParameters] regardless, it's just if the management service can use the string in this format?  I'm not able to test it at the moment.

      If it doesn't work I guess some port mapping software could be used for example:

      This one can install as a service and you define the source IP:port and destination:IP port. 


      • .:smileyvery-happy:


        I tried adding the port to the end of the SMTP server , but I didnt want to tell anyone becasue I thought it was crazy to even think it would work.


        it does NOT work ....


        Looks like I will need to go some other route .... I just dont know what yet


        Good idea with the Proxy Linux VM
