I have used a local install of Enterprise Console on my XP machine to manage the network, it connects to the management server [Server 2003 R2] it worked pretty well until I changed to windows 7, I tried installing EC 4.5.1 on my Win7 client it installed OK but when I try running it I get this error; what am I doing wrong?
No such interface supported
----- [outer exception] -----
-- error: 0x80004002 (No such interface supported)
-- facility: Generic (System)
at 4
at 3
at 2
at 1
at void __cdecl GetSubServiceEx2(struct ISM_ManagementServiceApp *,wchar_t *,const struct _GUID &,void **)
at 1
at void __cdecl GetSubServiceEx(struct ISMT_CoreServices *,wchar_t *,const struct _GUID &,void **)
at void __cdecl GetSubService<struct Sophos_Management_Sddma::ISddmaService>(class ATL::CComPtr<struct Sophos_Management_Sddma::ISddmaService> &,const wchar_t *)
at void __thiscall SubscriptionList::RefreshData(void)
at __thiscall SubscriptionList::SubscriptionList(void)
at int __cdecl Run(int,enum bl::ConsoleType::Type)
at int __stdcall wWinMain(struct HINSTANCE__ *,struct HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
This thread was automatically locked due to age.