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Remote Console and Windows 7

What is the ETA for being able to install Remote Console on Windows 7?

I'm surprised it's not supported, as Windows 7 RC was available well before SEC v9 was released and it's fine under Vista which isn't that different.

Sophos Remote Console is the ONLY program I've found so far that won't install under Windows 7.


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  • Hi Nimby, Welcome to SophosTalk!

    Have a look at the knowledgebase article Sophos Endpoint Security and Control: support for Windows 7 and Windows 2008 Server R2, hopefully this will answer your questions.

    Best regards,


  • --- Please note ----

    The solution provided in this posting is unsupported and you follow it at your own risk. Implementing this solution may affect any subsequent support provided by Sophos.

    --- The SophosTalk Moderation Team ---


    It is currently unsupported to run a remote Enterprise Console or any of the server side components natively on Windows 7. However there are 2 possible ways of running Enterprise Console on Windows 7.

    The more supported way:

    Install Windows XP Mode if your Windows 7 licence permits.  It is available here:

    You can then install the Enterprise Console role only on the virtual XP machine.

    On the Windows 7 machine, you can then launch Enterprise Console from Start – All Programs – Windows Virtual PC – Windows XP Mode Applications – Sophos – Enterprise Console (XP Mode).

    For information, the shortcut to the application becomes something like:

    %SystemRoot%\system32\rundll32.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\VMCPropertyHandler.dll,LaunchVMSal "Windows XP Mode" "||325d262f" "Enterprise Console "

    The unsupported way

    Please note, this is performed at your own risk as it is currently untested to run this version of the console on Windows 7. Please take any necessary system backups/restore points prior to continuing.  Upgrading to a future version may also not work when employing this method.

    1. Copy the unpacked “sec_40” directory (as generated by the SFX download) to the Windows 7 machine. E.g. "C:\sec_40".

    2. Open a command prompt (cmd.exe) running as Administrator (This is important otherwise the installation will fail). To do so, search for cmd.exe in the “Search programs and files” search field in the Start menu. When it appears above, you can right click and choose “Run as administrator”.

    3. In the command prompt, change directory to C:\sec_40\ServerInstaller\.

    CD C:\sec_40\ServerInstaller\

    4. Run:

    "Sophos Enterprise Console.msi" OVERRIDECHECKS=TRUE

    5. At the “Setup Type” page, choose “Custom” and then ensure just the “Management console” feature is selected. Do not choose a “Complete” installation or choose to install any other components.

    6. On the “Management Server” page choose the IP, or hostname of the machine where the Sophos Management Service is installed and then continue with the install.

    7. Before launching Enterprise Console, ensure that your account is a member of the necessary groups, namely “Sophos Console Administrators” and if the user hasn’’’’t be granted specific access through RBA then also “Sophos Full Administrators".

    8. From the Start menu you should be able to launch "Enterprise Console".


  • This is exactly what I was after.

    XP mode isn't the best solution for a coporate environment (well .. for us anyway), and I was totally sick of remoting into my old junky XP machine.

  • I was able to install using the unsupported method, but when I try and open the console I get an permissions error about needing to be in the Console Admin Group. I have added my AD account to all 3 sophos groups back on the server but still receive this error. Am I missing something or is this an issue with me trying to run this on 7?



  • macook wrote:

    I have added my AD account to all 3 sophos groups back on the server but still receive this error.

    By 3 groups you mean those from article 49028? I assume you have successfully tried the remote console from an XP or Vista installation. I had this permission error once cause I had stored another user for the connection to the server ... Guess it's time to install Windows 7 somewhere :smileyhappy:


  • Thanks QC that was a big help. I had to add my AD account to the DCOM group and now it's working.

  • I have Windows 7 64-bit version.

    I followed the directions twice on installing the Remote Console using the "Overridechecks" switch.
    During install I got the following error:

    Error 1904.Module C:\Program Files (x86)\Business Objects\BusinessObjectsEnterprise 11\Win32_x86\Plugins\auth\secLDAP\secldap.dll failed to register.
    HRESULT -2147024770. Contact your support personnel.

    I then tried to manually register secldap.dll using RedSvr32.exe but got almost the exact same error as above.

    If I tell the install to ignore the error, finishes without further issues.

    HOWEVER,  when I go to launch the Console -- I get the same error as the other gentlemen who got a message indicating that the user  [domain]\[my username] is not assigned any roles.

    I have repeatedly verified that my Username is part of the DCOM users, Console Admins, DB Admins, even FULL Admins group on the Sophos Enterprise Server.

    Could it be that without that LDAP.dll registered the Remote Console can't resolve my username via LDAP or something and that's why I'm being told I don't have any assigned roles?


    The file secldap.dll (used for LDAP authentication) is used by both Business Objects Enterprise 11 and Enterprise Console 4.0, Typically this error can be ignored without ill affect, if issues persist contact SAP to obtain Crystal Reports XI Release 2 Service pack 4 which resolves this issue


    Enterprise Console 4.5 will add console support for Win7/2008 R2 systems, amongst other goodies

  • Upgraded Enterprise console 4.0 to 4.5.0 on Windows 7

    Ignored the secldap.dll error and continued the upgrade.

    Launched as the account which has privledges on the Enterprise Server.
    Added my privledged account as a DCOM user


    Unknown configuration.
    ----- [outer exception] -----
       -- error: 0x80004005 (Unspecified error)
       -- facility: Generic (System)

       at int __stdcall wWinMain(struct HINSTANCE__ *,struct HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)

    Any suggestions?

  • Might be that secldap.dll is indeed the problem. Any chance that some other product installed BusinessObjects (before you did the unsupported install of 4.0)? I have version

    I'd uninstall it and then try again.

