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How can i check the version of Sophos on a pc ?

with Clients managed by the Enterprise Console, one can check which version every client runs by checking the details


9.5.5 VDL4.64G

on an unmanaged client, how can we check the exact version of Sophos ?


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  • HI,

    I assume you require something other than checking the version in the UI?

    If so, maybe this thread will help:
    /search?q= 7513



  • Good day dcstech

    i am assuming that the unmanged client is running a older version of Sophos, therefore it is unmanaged on the console.

    to check the version on the client.

    Right click on the clinet and select view computer details, if there are no details there.

    go to the physical machine, right click on Sophos shield, open the sophos up, click on the 'help' tab situated at the top, then select about Sophos option.

    this will tell you the exact version of Sophos running.

    Kind regards

  • @ Reaper87

    I know that, that only gives the version in this format

    I don't have a clue, if it's 9.5.5, 9.5.4, 9.5.3, 9.5.2, 9.5.1, 9.5.0 or whatever...

    it doesn't give info about the IDEs installed and all what one gets with a reading of "9.5.5 VDL4.64G" in the console ..

  • just figured it out..

    it's by clicking on "View Product Information" , in the Help -> About Sophos Endpoint Security and Control ...
