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Dashboard update date incorrect


I have a problem where the dashboard update date and time are incorrect.  The updatyes are working fine but the date displayed is incorrect.  I have had this issue before and followed the below instructions which worked fine corrected the date. 

  1. Go into C:\program files\sophos\Enterprise Console\Remote Management System and locate the file EM.xml. (If you installed to a non-default location it may be elsewhere.)
  2. Check that the 'Date Modified' field is the same as shown as the dashboard or the Library.
  3. In Windows Services, restart the 'Sophos EMLibUpdate Agent'.
  4. This should re-create the EM.xml file, with the correct time and date in the 'Date Modified' field.
  5. The Console should start to show the time and date after a couple of minutes. If the console does not show correctly after 2-3 minutes close it and re-open it.

However I have just tried this on a different server for the first time and it doesn't resolve the issue.  the date stays exactly the same and I have left it for over an hour and restarted the console on several occasions.

I cannot find any other advice on the website and any help would be appreciated.




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  • Hello Stuart,

    it is the EM library last updated date, isn't it? Just once I confused the two dates ... :smileyhappy:

    Usually - that's not to say it happens often, not even every few weeks - I don't bother to check the file and just restart the service and if this does not help I restart (I think) RMS and the Sophos Management Service. Don't know if this should help but as long as it works ...


  • Thanks Christian but I just beat you to it. 

    First thing this morning I restarted the Management service and all kicked back into life.

    Thanks for the response though.


