With the common use of powershell by cobalt strike and every other threat actor, I though it would be nice to have a query that detects and decodes encoded powershell commands.
The first query will simply decode base 64 encoded data (As you would see in powershell scripts)
The query takes three variables.
Description | TYPE | Default |
Base64 Encoded data
WITH RECURSIVE test(c,cur) AS ( select '', (replace(hex(from_base64('$$Base64 Encoded data$$') ),'00','') ) UNION ALL select c || char((case substr(cur,1,1) when 'A' then 10 when 'B' then 11 when 'C' then 12 when 'D' then 13 when 'E' then 14 when 'F' then 15 else substr(cur,1,1) end)*16 + (case substr(cur,2,1) when 'A' then 10 when 'B' then 11 when 'C' then 12 when 'D' then 13 when 'E' then 14 when 'F' then 15 else substr(cur,2,1) end)), substr(cur,3) FROM test where length(cur)>0 ) SELECT c Decoded_value FROM test WHERE length (cur) = 0
The next one is more interesting it will find encoded cmdline data in powershells that have run in the past and decode the info for you.
Description | TYPE | Default |
ALL powershell Commands (1) or just encoded powershell(0) | String | 0 |
From N days ago | String | 20 |
To N days ago | String | 0 |
-- Go find processes that have command lines with encodedcommand data WITH Encoded_Data AS ( SELECT datetime(time,'unixepoch') DATE_TIME, -- replace(pathname, rtrim(pathname, replace(pathname, '\', '')), '') ProcessName, cmdline, sophospid, replace(substr(cmdline, instr(cmdline, ' -e')+2, length(cmdline)),rtrim(substr(cmdline, instr(cmdline, ' -e')+2, length(cmdline)),replace(substr(cmdline, instr(cmdline, ' -e')+2, length(cmdline)),' ','')),'') Encoded_Data, sid, parentSophosPID, u.username FROM sophos_process_journal spj LEFT JOIN users u ON spj.sid = u.uuid WHERE pathname LIKE '%powershell%' AND eventtype = 0 AND time > strftime('%s','now','-$$From N days ago$$ days') and time < strftime('%s','now','-$$To N days ago$$ days') AND ( cmdline LIKE '% -e %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -en %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -enc %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -enco %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encod %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encode %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encoded %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encodedc %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encodedco %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encodedcom %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encodedcomm %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encodedcomma %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encocodedcomman %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encodedcommand %') ) -- With a table of process information that includes encoded data in the command lines, we will convert the base64 encoding to text -- WARNING this is ugly as we have to handle embeded NULLS and to 'see' them we have to convert to HEX and back to characters SELECT CAST(ed.DATE_TIME AS TEXT) Date_Time, -- CAST(ed.ProcessName AS TEXT) ProcessName, CAST(ed.cmdline AS TEXT) CmdLine, CAST(ed.sophospid AS TEXT) SophosPID, --------------- CONVERT ENCODED BASE 64 DATA FROM A POWERSHELL TO DECODED DATA CAST ( ( WITH RECURSIVE test(c,cur) AS ( select '', (replace(hex(from_base64(ed.Encoded_Data) ),'00','') ) UNION ALL select c || char((case substr(cur,1,1) when 'A' then 10 when 'B' then 11 when 'C' then 12 when 'D' then 13 when 'E' then 14 when 'F' then 15 else substr(cur,1,1) end)*16 + (case substr(cur,2,1) when 'A' then 10 when 'B' then 11 when 'C' then 12 when 'D' then 13 when 'E' then 14 when 'F' then 15 else substr(cur,2,1) end)), substr(cur,3) FROM test where length(cur)>0 ) SELECT c Decoded_value FROM test WHERE length (cur) = 0 ) AS TEXT) Decoded_base64_section, --------------- END CONVERSION CAST(ed.sid AS TEXT) SID, CAST(ed.parentSophosPID AS TEXT) ParentSophosPID, CAST(ed.username AS TEXT) Username FROM Encoded_Data ed WHERE length(Decoded_base64_section) > 0 UNION ALL SELECT datetime(time,'unixepoch') DATE_TIME, -- replace(pathname, rtrim(pathname, replace(pathname, '\', '')), '') ProcessName, cmdline, sophospid, '' Encoded_Data, sid, parentSophosPID, u.username FROM sophos_process_journal spj LEFT JOIN users u ON spj.sid = u.uuid WHERE $$ALL powershell Commands (1) or just encoded powershell(0)$$ = 1 AND pathname LIKE '%powershell%' AND eventtype = 0 AND time > strftime('%s','now','-$$From N days ago$$ days') and time < strftime('%s','now','-$$To N days ago$$ days') AND NOT ( cmdline LIKE '% -e %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -en %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -enc %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -enco %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encod %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encode %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encoded %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encodedc %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encodedco %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encodedcom %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encodedcomm %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encodedcomma %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encocodedcomman %' OR cmdline LIKE '% -encodedcommand %')