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How DLP works?


First of all, i'm realy sorry for my bad english! I hope that some people car excuse me and try to help me ;)

I'm tring to create some DLP rules.

My first step was to create content control lists in Global settings > Data Loss Prevention > Content control lists with parameters : 

  • MATCHING CRITERIA : Any of these terms
  • TERMS : .*T[0-9]{0,14}.* OR .*REPODOO[0-9]{0,5}.*

My second step was to create a rule in Global settings > Data Loss Prevention > Content control lists with parameters : 

  • CONDITIONS Required Where the file contains... AND Where the destination is...
  • CONDITIONS File Contains: MyList Destination is: ALL ACTION Allow transfer if user confirms

My third step was to create a policies in Endpoint Protection > Policies > Data Loss Prevention wich call MyRule and that i'm trying to appli to my computer or my user

BUT, i'm never get any popup to prevent DLP.

I'm look in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sophos\Management\Policy\DataControl and i can see some file that mention MyRule.

BUT angain, i'm never get any popup to prevent DLP.

Can someone help me out?

Thanks in advance

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