EAP SSL-TLS Scanning: Category Exclusions and Firewallmanagement not working


I already put those as comments below that article https://community.sophos.com/intercept-x-endpoint/early-access-program/b/blog/posts/https-policy-changes

As I'm unsure, if it's gettig read there, I post it her ein the EAP forums again.

I notice 2 issues so far with the new SSL / TLS Scanning of Intercept-X where it is acting as Man-in-the-Middle SSL Scanner.

1. I cannot manage my comanies Sophos XG and SG firewalls with firefox using windows store certificates (security.enterprise_roots.enabled    true) anymore. Other browsers are working. The firewalls Webadmin is equipped with commercial wildcard certificate for *.owndomain.abc


Excluding owndomain.abc as domain in Sophos Central SSL / TLS Settings is a workaround but we do not want it to be excluded.

When loading the firewall management website with IP the same error appears with firefox.

2. Excluding Banking websites is not working - the Endpoint will still break SSL and re-encrypt the page as can be seen by the issueing CA. That's a no-go.


hsbc.co.uk    Categorized URL    - Finance/Banking    Minimal Risk
bankofindia.co.in    Categorized URL    - Finance/Banking    Minimal Risk

added info about firewall mgmt IP
[bearbeitet von: LHerzog um 2:12 PM (GMT -8) am 7 Dec 2021]