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Could not contact Primary Server

Got this message when updating Sophos Home Edition for Mac:

Could not contact Primary Server. URL Error: 3 July 2015

Mac OS X 10.10.4

Sophos Home Edition 9.2.4

As I'm in Australia and this is first report for 3rd July, am thinking this may be a cloud error with Sophos infrastructure.

If not, there's something else amiss... have cleared cache and restarted.


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  • Same problem. 6:41 Israel time.

  • Hope this helps.

    Richards-iMac:~ richarddahl$ ping
    PING ( 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=58 time=114.191 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=58 time=96.908 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=58 time=152.376 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=58 time=90.373 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=58 time=68.236 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=58 time=67.888 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=58 time=83.124 ms

    Richards-iMac:~ richarddahl$ ping
    ping: cannot resolve Unknown host

    Richards-iMac:~ richarddahl$ ping
    ping: cannot resolve Unknown host

    Richards-iMac:~ richarddahl$ dig dig cname +short

  • Hey

    Sorry, I just noticed this mesasge. Can you confirm if you're still experiencing this issue? I did some research and it looks like there may have been a brief interuption with our CDN last night, but it should resolved at this point. 

  • Still getting the error.

    Logs shows (local AUS time)

    com.sophos.autoupdate: Proceed with manually triggered update from Sophos at 08:14:59 04 July 2015
    com.sophos.autoupdate: Updating catalogue information at 08:14:59 04 July 2015
    com.sophos.autoupdate: Catalogue updated at 08:15:02 04 July 2015
    com.sophos.autoupdate: Download started at 08:15:02 04 July 2015
    com.sophos.autoupdate: Error: Failed to download packages at 08:15:12 04 July 2015
    com.sophos.autoupdate: Error: Could not contact primary server at 08:15 on 04 July 2015
    com.sophos.autoupdate: URL is invalid

    Seems like the list required can be contacted but not the actual updates.

  • Still have the problem: 4 July 2015 20:51 Israel time

  • FWIW, I connected my Mac to the Internet via my iPhone's 3G connection. iPhone is through Telstra, landline via Optus.

    Updating through Telstra worked - am now at v 9.2.7

    So it must be to do with my ISP & the CDN. Has never been a problem in the past, hopefully they'll sort it out.

  • Is there any info you can give me about your CDN that will let me take this up with Optus?

  • I'm getting the same error message.  

    Landline and mobile are both with Optus, so I can't update at all.  Hope you can find a way to help!

  • Hi

    I'm getting the same error and my provider is Optus. Never had this before 2 days ago.

    Error: Failed to download packages at 12:20:54 06 July 2015
    Error: Could not contact primary server at 12:20 on 06 July 2015
    com.sophos.autoupdate: URL is invalid

    Any ideas what I can do?


  • Just started getting the message "Could not contact primary server" when autoupdate tries to run. Happening on all 3 of my Macs. Knowledge base article does not help so I uninstalled and reinstalled. Same problem.

    any ideas?
