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Sophos Scan and Clean root certificate expired in January 23

I just checked and found the certificate had expired in January 23. Should this have been extended and is there anything I can do or does Sophos need to do this?

I have spent ages researching the topic and am totally confused as to whether I should uninstall the program or not.

Thanks for any advice.

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  • Hi Barney B,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    I've reached out internally to get some feedback on this now. I will follow up with you here as more information becomes available. 

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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    • Hi Qoosh.  Thank you. It is greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing what you find out.

      Barney B

      • Hi Qoosh.  Any information yet available on my query?  I have uninstalled the program for now as it doesn't seem right that the certificate has expired but I would really appreciate advice on this.  I have spent ages searching the internet to try and understand this whole topic but haven't found an answer.