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Can I use Sophos with Windows Defender?

Can I use Sophos along with Windows Defender Firewall in Windows 10? Also, can Sophos scan websites on the Microsoft Edge browser? Can we scan a WordPress website using Sophos and clean it? Will it create any kind of conflicts?

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  • Can I use Sophos along with Windows Defender Firewall in Windows 10? Yes.

    Also, can Sophos scan websites on the Microsoft Edge browser? Yes. Well, it'll know the reputation and category of a website, and block, warn, or allow traffic depending on the settings. It'll scan files downloaded by the browser for maliciousness.

    Can we scan a WordPress website using Sophos and clean it? If the web server has Sophos installed, yes. Alternatively, if the web server can be connected to as a share, it can be scanned an cleaned, but I'm not sure if that is possible with the free product. Connect to a share, right-click the share, and see if there is a Scan option.

    Will it create any kind of conflicts? Probably not. Try it and you'll know it.

    “First things first, but not necessarily in that order” – Doctor Who

    • If the web server has Sophos installed, yes.

      So it is possible to install Sophos on my webserver? How can I do that? Is there some kind of plugin or something similar? Thanks for the answer by the way.

      • It depends on what your webserver is running on. There is no free version for Windows Server or Linux. If it is a machine at home, you could get the free Sophos Firewall for Home and use the WAF instead.

        “First things first, but not necessarily in that order” – Doctor Who