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PLEEEEEZ HELP ME I am desperate....Help me to uninstall Safe Guard Easy

I have already posted yesterday but got no replies. I installed Safe Guard Easy but am unable to access it since it is not accepting my u/name and password. I am quite sure about the pawword I entered but I have no idea what the u/name should be. I use Windows XP Professional SP2. Could anyone tell me how to uninstall the product because it does not allow me to boot the computer as the u/name p/word screen comes up even if I press F8 it does not show up the options that F8 brings up.

Please help as to how I can uninstall this bloody thing. I am desperate and I want it removed from my computer.

There must be a way out and there must be someone out there who knows how it can be done. If anyone can tell me how to do it through regedit.. I am quite comfortable with it and I'll manage to do it through that as well. I want the initial screen removed first and then the whole thing.

Thanx in advance,

Hugs and kisses,



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  • Hi Ronobir,

    SafeGuard Easy uses the Usernames which have been pre-defined during the installation. However the most important account (which is alos required to uninstall) is the so called SYSTEM account.

    In case the you have the demo version the password for SYSTEM is 3 times blank and in the case that the installation was done manually you have defined the password during the installation procedure.

    In case that things turn out to be more complicated I would suggest to call the help desk so that I can talk you thru the steps that you need to uninstall and the steps that have been taken to install.

    Hope that helps at big - whish you a merry merry Christmas!


