This forum covers all the SafeGuard encryption products:
- SafeGuard Enterprise, and its management modules (Management Center, Device Encryption, Data Exchange, Partner Connect and Configuration Protection)
- SafeGuard Easy
- SafeGuard LAN Crypt
- SafeGuard Port Protector
- SafeGuard MailGateway
- SafeGuard Private Crypto
- SafeGuard PrivateDisk
- SafeGuard RemovableMedia
- SafeGuard PDA
- Sophos Disk Encryption
- Sophos Free Encryption
Please be clear in your posts which product you're referring to. In time, we'll split the threads out into separate forums, but we don't want to spread your contributions too thin at this early stage of the community's development.
The Sophos website has an overview of these products, and links to more detail at:
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